Friday, July 18, 2008

Inventory Almost Here!

Well, today is the day!...the day that Tomas Huerta will ship out the first order of Talavera Pottery to us! All of the empty web pages are just waiting the arrival of the products and we will be set for business. I just can't wait to open the boxes and marvel at the beautiful Talavera pieces inside!

However, in the meantime, I am still practicing an html tutorial that my daughter made for me. She is new at html and web design, as well and, I believe that she has done a phenomenal job with the website, La Casa . With that being said, everything that we have learned has been from free articles and tutorials on the net. Therefore, we would like to thank the many people who wrote those articles for they have truely been helpful! And for Skip McGrath, I have finally found my niche!


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